North Missouri Railroad Company

 Facts for emigrants: Northern Missouri Railroad Company

A new and important region!

Description of the counties and towns along the line of the North Missouri railroad and branches; Published by North Missouri Railroad Company North Missouri Railroad Company North Missouri Railroad Company St. Louis 1870

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It is always more pleasant to praise than to censure; and when a railroad carries a man as safely over as the North Missouri brought us, it is a duty to say so. The Pull man Palace Sleeping Car on that road make a ride to or from St. Louis as near equal to sleeping in a first- class hotel as it is possible for good care, kind attention, and elegant beds to accomplish, while the sleeper and passenger is being transported three hundred miles. We' have never been better treated, or felt more safe than on a journey over this excellent road.-Editor Kansas Daily Times, Lawrence
NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. NORTH MISSOURI PASSENGER RAILROAD GENERAL PASSENGER AND TICKET DEPARTMENT, St. Louis,' June 20, 1870. The office of General Passenger Agent, as a separate office, has been discontinued, and hereafter the duties of the same will be discharged by the General Ticket Agent, Mr. CHARLTON.

All communications which have hitherto been addressed to Mr. Davies, late General Passenger Agent. and all communications relating to General Passenger and Ticket business, should in future be addressed to JAMES CHARLTON,



The North Missouri Railroad traverses a section of country about which there is much inquiry. It is to meet the questions so numerously asked by parties about to move West that this pamphlet is written. It is intended to be a clear statement of the character of the country, population, progress, products, business statistics, price of lands, market facilities, and whatever would be of interest to emigrants.


Bounded east, west, and south by the Missouri river, and north by the Des Moines, is the portion of country which is now reached by the North Missouri railroad and its branches. It has an area of about 25,000 square miles, and comprises North Missouri and a few counties of Southeastern Iowa.


Comprising that part of the State lying north of the Missouri river, has an area of 20,000 square miles. Its population, by the last census, is nearly 750,000, showing an increase of nearly 30 per cent. since 1860. The climate is mild, the latitude being the same as that of Virginia and Maryland. There is scarcely a waste acre in all the lands of this region. There are fine timber lands, excellent farms and pasturage. All kinds of grain and fruits, as well as hemp and tobacco, are produced. The country is well watered by the numerous streams and tributaries emptying into the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. - All the choicest varieties of fruit-peaches, pears, plums, and grapes-do well. Stock and wool-growing has become a large and profitable business. During the past few years much attention has been given to wheat, and the average yield and quality has been found superior to that of most States. The advantages of each locality will be noted at length in our description of counties and towns. There are 44 counties in North Missouri. It is our purpose to speak of those more particularly which lie along the line of the railroad and its branches, but we append a table showing the population, increase, and taxable valuation of all the counties:

In the above table the counties having railroad facilities are marked with a star. Those through which the North Missouri railroad passes are in italics. It is noticeable that the increase of population has been much greater in the counties having railroads, and the taxable valuation is also much higher.

Some of the counties show a wonderful increase in population. St. Louis county has gained nearly 100,000 in ten years; of this fully 75,000 have been added since the spring of 1864. In fact, all the gain in population in Missouri has been made since the war. The population of 1864 was not greater, and was in many cases less, than that of 1860. In the past five years, then, Adair county has more than doubled its population. So has Audrain. Boone has gained nearly 11,000; Carroll, 7,300; Chariton, 10,000; Clay, 6,000; Macon, 6,300; Montgomery, 7,000; Randolph, 6,100; Ray, 9,000; St. Charles, 5,650; and Warren, 1,200. Some of them have more than doubled, and the most have increased their population fully one-third in five years. These twelve counties are intersected by the North Missouri railroad, and are described at length in the body of this pamphlet.


Extends from St. Louis to Kansas City, on the west, and to Bloomfield, Iowa, on the north. It is operated in three divisions, as follows:

Eastern Division (St. Louis to Moberly Junction)..............145 miles.

Western Division (Moberly Junction to Kansas City)........127 "

Northern Division (Moberly Junction to Bloomfield) .........112 "

At Centralia, one hundred and twenty-one miles north of St. Louis, is the junction of the Boone County and Jefferson City railroad, extending to Columbia, 22 miles. It is operated by this company. At Lexington Junction, on the Western Division, the St. Louis and St. Joseph railroad branches off, making the whole number of miles under the management of this company 426. The Eastern Division passes through the counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Warren, Montgomery, and Audrain, and contains 27 regular stations, of which 16 are telegraph stations. There is one mail, two express, and three regular. freight trains, daily, each way, over this division of the road.

The Western Division passes through the counties of Randolph, Chariton, Carroll, Ray, and Clay. The stations are 18 in number, with the same train facilities as the Eastern Division. The Northern Division passes through the counties of Macon, Adair, and Schuyler, Missouri; and Davis, Iowa. The stations are Cairo, Jacksonville, Macon, Atlanta, LaPlata, Kirksville, Subletts, Greentop, Glenwood, Queen City, Coatesville, Moulton, West Grove, and Bloomfield. The stations on the Boone County and Jefferson City railroad, more familiarly known as the Columbia Branch, are Stephens, Hickman, and Columbia. A telegraph line is in operation along the entire road and branches, and there are offices at most of the stations.


The St. Louis, Chillicothe and Omaha railroad will be virtually an extension of the North Missouri railroad, beginning at Brunswick, on the Western Division, and thence an almost airline route through the counties of Livingston, Daviess, Harrison, Gentry, Worth, and Nodaway, Missouri; and Taylor, Page, Montgomery, and Mills, Iowa, to Omaha. The distance by this route between St. Louis and Omaha will be 397 miles, 103 miles shorter than the line from Chicago to Omaha. This railroad is already graded between Brunswick and Chillicothe, 35 miles. There are, in all, 175 miles to be built; and county and individual subscriptions are pledged to such an extent that the road is quite sure to be completed and open to travel during the year 1870. The St. Louis and St. Joseph railroad will be another extension, reaching from Lexington, on the Western Division, through Ray, Clinton, and Buchanan counties. Enough money has been raised to secure the building of this road during the present season. There are but 40 miles to be completed; grading is going on rapidly, and the iron is already purchased. Cars will probably be running over this route by the spring of 1870. The distance between St. Louis and St. Joseph will be 300 miles, making it the shortest route between the two cities. The St. Louis and Cedar Rapids railroad is an extension the Northern Division, now completed to Bloomfield, Iowa. During the present year it will be built to Ottumwa, where connections will be made with the Burlington, Missouri River and Des Moines Valley railroad. Plans are now in progress by which the road will be extended to Cedar Rapids, there to connect with the proposed airline to St. Paul. The distance between St. Louis and Des Moines, by this road, will be 355 miles; to Cedar Rapids, 358 miles; to St. Paul, 582 miles; 147 miles shorter than the Chicago route.


At St. Louis close connections are made with the morning and afternoon trains to and from the East, North, and South, over the Indianapolis and St. Louis, Chicago and Alton, Ohio and Mississippi, St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute, and St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern railroads. Busses are in waiting at all trains, to convey passengers from all the roads terminating in East St. Louis to the depot of the North Missouri Railroad Company. Parties arriving by the railroads and steam- boats will find gentlemanly and obliging agents of this company ready to give all the desired information. The St. Louis and Iron Mountain railroad has been finished to Columbus, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, forming a new and important connection between the North Missouri and all southern points. At the western terminus of the road direct connections are made with the Kansas Pacific railway (formerly known as the Union Pacific, Eastern Division) for Lawrence, Topeka, Fort Hays, Sheridan, and thence by overland daily stages for Denver, Salt Lake, etc.; also, the Missouri River, Fort Scott, and Gulf railroads, making the shortest line from St. Louis to all points in Kansas. At Harlem, opposite Kansas City, direct connections are made with the Missouri Valley railroad for Leavenworth, Atchison, St. Joseph, and thence via Council Bluffs and St. Joseph railroad for Nebraska City, Council Bluffs, and Omaha; at Omaha, with the Union Pacific railroad for Cheyenne, Ogden, and California. At Macon connections are made with the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad for Brookfield, Chillicothe, St. Joseph; and thence, via Council Bluffs and St. Joseph railroad, for Omaha; and at Omaha with the great Pacific railroad, for California. This is the direct route to Omaha, over which Pullman's palace cars are running, from St. Louis to Omaha without change.


The Hannibal and Moberly, and Hannibal and Naples railroads, now in course of construction, will form the link to a new and important route between the East and the West via North Missouri; Toledo, Wabash and Western; Lake Shore and New York Central line. The distances by this new road will be as follows:

Kansas City to Moberly ......127 miles.

Moberly to Hannibal  …………. 70 "

Hannibal to Naples ............ 44 "

total . ...........                   241 miles.

Another proposed connection with Eastern roads is from Moberly to Pana, on Indianapolis and St. Louis railroad, via Louisiana. The distances would be as follows: Kansas City to Moberly .... ..... 127 miles.

Moberly to Pana ................. . 108

Kansas City to Pana ...............807

The St. Louis, Chillicothe and Des Moines railroad, passing through Livingston, Grundy, and Mercer counties, Missouri, and Decatur, Clarke, and Warren counties, Iowa, is likely to be built during the coming year. 50 miles are now under contract. The Louisiana and Missouri River railroad, intersecting the North Missouri at Mexico, and passing through the counties of Pike, Audrain, Boone, and Howard, is now being graded. The St. Louis and Keokuk railroad has been surveyed via two routes-one following the river through the counties of Clarke, Lewis, Marion, Ralls, Pike, and Lincoln, forming a junction with the North Missouri at Wentzville, in St. Charles county; and the other through Clarke, Lewis, Knox, Shelby, and Macon counties to Macon, thence via North Missouri to St. Louis. The Central railroad company, of Iowa, is incorporated under the general railroad law of that State, with ample power to construct a railroad from its southern to its northern boundary. The company is a consolidation of the Iowa Central and the Iowa River companies, which have been united to make a single through line from St. Louis to St. Paul. These companies have been in existence several years, and have already expended nearly a million and a half of dollars. They have transferred, by deed, to the new company, the 45 miles of road already finished, and all grading and other work in progress, receiving an even exchange of securities in full payment. This through line is formed by a connection with the North Missouri railroad, now finished to the southern boundary of the State-230 miles-and with the St. Paul and Milwaukee, now finished within 12 miles of the northern boundary-105 miles. The situation of the line will be best understood by the following table of distances:

Of this distance, 380 miles are in operation, and but 130 miles remain to be graded. By the west line, from St. Paul to Mankato, the St. Paul and Sioux City railroad company proposes to complete a road to the north line of Iowa, whenever the Central company shall think it proper to extend a branch in that direction. The Central company of Iowa, however, will first complete the 118 miles now in progress from the Missouri State line to Marshalltown. As but 58 miles remain to be graded, and a large force is at work, there is no doubt that this will be done in season to move next year's crops. By using 40 miles of the Dubuque and Sioux City road, THIS WILL AT ONCE MAKE THE RAILROAD CONNECTION OF ST. Louis WITH ST. PAUL COMPLETE, and accommodate the through travel between those two large cities, making the distance 626 miles, instead of 729 miles, by which it is now necessary to travel from one city to the other, by rail. The direct through connection of 582 miles may be made at the same time, and certainly within a few months thereafter.


There are now nearly 1,900 miles of completed railroad in this part of the State, of which 250 was laid during the past twelve months. Of the 44 counties, 25 are intersected by railroads. The roads now under construction will reach 11 more, making. 36 counties out of the 44 enjoying railroad facilities. This speaks volumes for the energy of the people, and is a sure augury for the growth and prosperity of Northern Missouri.


Having sketched the general advantages of Northern Missouri, we now come to a description of the counties and towns bordering the line of the North Missouri railroad and its branches. It is believed that the statements are reliable, and the writer owes most of the facts here brought out to the kindly assistance of members of the press and other residents of the different counties.


ST. LOUIS COUNTY. This county has an area of 500 square miles. The population, according to a census made early in 1868, was 241,071, an increase of 30 per cent. in four years. During the past year the ratio of increase has been much greater, and the population is set down by good authority at 260,000. Valuation of property for taxes, $170,884,590. The colored population of the county is 11,841. Besides the city of St. Louis, the stations along the line of the North Missouri railroad, in this county, are Bellefontaine, Jennings, Woodstock, Ferguson, Graham's, Bridgeton, Bonfils and Brotherton. We shall speak of St. Louis more particularly with reference to its advantages as a market for producers and shippers, and  the facilities which the railroad affords in this matter. We shall speak of the stations in the county as points for suburban residences and " gardening for profit."

ST. LOUIS. -The population of the city is estimated in round numbers at 250,000, an increase of nearly 100,000 in ten years. Valuation of property, $162,000,000. Number of buildings erected last year; value, $ . Business of 1868, . Number of bushels of grain received and distributed during the year, 11,415,551. Amount of flour manufactured, 895,154 barrels. Hogs packed and sold, 237,160. The track of the North Missouri railroad has been extended to the elevator, and grain in bulk is now shipped from all points on the road direct to the elevator, where it is easily handled for storage or reshipment.


BELLEFONTAINE, four miles from St. Louis, is scarcely outside the city limits, it being a continuation of the streets; and so closely connected by railroad, street cars and omnibus lines, that one is always in sight of his business. Bellefontaine cemetery, one of the finest in the West, is situated on the high ridge above the town. JENNINGS, six miles from the city, has more the appearance of country life. It has fine, rolling grounds, excellent sites for mansions and gardens. The grounds are considered very choice for grapes, and several fine vineyards are growing up. Land sells at about $400 per acre, and is increasing in value. The railroad company sells round trip, ten-ride, twenty-ride, and other commutation tickets, very low to this point. Monthly school tickets are also issued.

FERGUSON, nine and a half miles from the city, has the same advantages as Jennings. There are fine buildings sites, the grounds are excellent for grapes and gardening, commutation rates are low. The groves about Ferguson are a frequent resort for pleasure parties and picnics from the city during the summer season. There are frequent sales of building lots in Meadville subdivision and Woodstock, and the growth of the city has now such a tendency outward that a few years may find the whole space between Jennings and Ferguson taken up with villas, graperies and gardens.

GRAHAM'S, eleven and a half miles; Bridgeton, thirteen and a half miles; and Bonfils, seventeen miles from St. Louis, all offer good advantages to business men who prefer to reside in the country; and for parties who wish to engage in fancy farming, there are few places so convenient and so well adapted to the business.


ST. CHARLES COUNTY has an area of about 420 miles. The population in 1860 was 14,370. It is now estimated at 20,000. The county contains some of the best farm lands in the State. It is well timbered. Coal, limestone and sandstone are found. The county is almost completely surrounded by the windings of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. The towns on the railroad in this county are: St. Charles, Dardenne, O'Fallon, Perruque, Gilmore, Wentzville and Millville. ST. CHARLES, twenty miles from St. Louis, is the county seat. It is an incorporated city, one of the oldest in the State, and has a population of about 6,000. The city is situated on high ground, is well laid out, and contains some very costly residences and business blocks. The machine shops and a part of the car works of the company are located here. Many of the train men and other employees reside here. The iron railroad bridge now being built across the Missouri at this point gives employment to a large force of laborers. It is expected to be finished during the present fall. The trains are now ferried over by powerful steam ferry-boats, occupying but a few moments. Manufacturers will find St. Charles a good location. The city itself and surrounding country depend, in a great measure, upon this market. The farmers of the neighborhood are able to dispose of their products at good prices without going to St. Louis. The population of St. Charles is American and German. There are ten churches, representing Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, and Catholic denominations. There is an academy, seminary, three private and a well organized system of public schools. The business interests of the city are represented, in part, by a banking house, eighteen dry goods, ten grocery, one hardware, two drug, five clothing,' two jewelry, and four cigar stores; two furniture, two millinery, and three tin stores; three bakeries, two confectioneries, two dress-makers, three gun- smiths, two harness-makers, two livery stables, four barber shops. The manufacturing" interests are represented by eight carpenter shops, five wagon-makers, seven blacksmiths, five flour mills, one foundry, two woolen mills, one broom factory, a tobacco factory, three breweries, four brick yards, two lime kilns, a saw mill The professions are represented by fifteen clergymen, twelve lawyers, seven doctors, a dentist, two music teachers. There are two newspapers, the Cosmos and Sentinel and the Democrat, the latter printed in German. The amount of money collected on freight forwarded from this station last year was $46,546 25. There are two regular accommodation trains daily between St. Charles and St. Louis, which, in addition to the two through express trains, makes communication between the two cities especially convenient. Twenty- ride tickets can be purchased at a reduction of sixty per cent from the regular rate.

DARDENNE, twenty-nine miles from St. Louis, is a small town, containing four stores, a hotel, steam saw mill, and some valuable quarries. Fruit does well in the vicinity, and considerable attention is paid to it. There are excellent farms. Wheat and corn are the principal staples. Stock-raising is carried on to a considerable extent. O'FALLON, thirty-three miles from St. Louis, is a small town, first settled in 1857. It has a population of about 100. It has two dry goods and a grocery store, a hotel, boarding house, steam flour mill, brick yard, broom factory, depot and stock yard, post office and express office. Farmers do well here, and there is a good chance for all kinds of manufacturers. PERUQUE, thirty-seven miles from St. Louis, is a station convenient for the farmers through the township. No town has yet been built up. There is a dry goods and grocery store at the depot. There is an excellent opportunity for a party of settlers to come in and colonize the town. Lands sell low, and are of good quality. The same may be said of Gilmore, a station three miles further west. WENTZVILLE, forty-three miles from St. Louis, was settled in 1855. It has a population of about 500, a gain of 250 since 1867. It contains a church, a flourishing academy, and a Masonic hall, one of the best in the State. The professions are represented by a minister, an editor, five doctors, two lawyers, a dentist, and two notaries. The trades are represented by a grocery, a drug store, four dry goods stores, two clothing stores, two tailor shops, three boot and shoe stores, one saddlery, one carriage and harness shop, one wagon shop, a carriage and a cooper shop, a carpenter shop, two blacksmith shops, a brick yard, a large steam saw and grist mill, a carding machine, tinman, milliner, and photograph gallery. There are three hotels, a boarding house, five insurance agents, a war claim agent, and a justice of the peace. W. S. Bryan, Esq., editor of the Wentzville News, to whom we are indebted for much information, adds the following, of importance to emigrants: We need one or two tobacco factories, a grain and produce merchant, a pork factory, some one to buy and manufacture hay (the press is already here, and in good running order), several more insurance agents, and just as many emigrants as we can get. Town lots are worth from one hundred and fifty to one thousand dollars each, and money invested in buildings will bring from twelve to fifteen per cent. interest. Our greatest want is farmers and stock-raisers. Land is worth from twenty to fifty dollars per acre, is very rich, and will produce all kinds of grain, grasses, and seeds. Rents range from two to three dollars per acre, or one-third of the crop produced. There is room for one thousand more farmers in this county. Wentzville will probably be the junction of the St. Louis and Keokuk railroad with the North Missouri.