Long's Drug Store - Paris

A Model Business House

 Perfect in all Appointments and Strictly Up-to-Date

 H. P. Longs New Drug Store

Source: Monroe County Appeal , date unknown

 Let those who are inclined to grumble about this solid old town being behind the times in the way of modern business houses cease from troubles long enough to pay a visit to H. P. Long’s palatial new place of business. The man who will not admire its costly furniture and modern arrangement would find fault with anything that smacks of progress and prosperity.

Every piece of ancient furniture, shelving and show case has been removed and replaced with all the new and tasty conveniences known in a modern place of business. The furnishings are all of polished oak, curved and arranged specially to suit the room in which the store is located. The walls have been decorated with paper to match and neither pains nor expense have been spared for anything.

On the left as you enter is a splendid piece of furniture, the upper part arranged for the bottled goods, extracts. etc., all built to show off to the best advantage. Below the shelving is a row of small drawers, 112 in number, for the endless variety of drugs necessary for the compounds a first-class prescription clerk is called on to put up. These drawers are dust proof and so arranged that not a grain of anything can be exposed or lost.

On the solid oak counters are case after case of notions, cigars, and sundries. On the other side of the house is a fine cherry case with a full length mirror. In this is kept perfumes, soaps and all those toilet articles so near and dear to the feminine portions of humanity.

Next is an immense oak case for patent medicines. Large sliding doors of glass exclude the dust and show off the goods to a good advantage. This case stands on a base with a front of heavy oval glass through which can be seen enough pills, plasters and patent goods to relieve the whole county.

The crowning glory of the store, however, is the prescription case. It is without a doubt the finest and most complete piece of furniture in Monroe county. Made of solid oak, with a front of beveled French mirrors, it extends from wall to wall and gives the store an air of elegance and luxury that charms and delights one at first glance. It is a wonderful case, with its numberless compartments in which there is a place for everything necessary to prescription filling. There is a drawer for each sized bottle, a place for labels, and another for corks. Pills, powders and liquids are provided for, as well as the knives, scales, etc., necessary to compound them. The best thing of all, though, is that compartment especially made for poisons. It is constantly kept under lock and key, so that there is no danger in the world of the mistake that often puts a death-dealing dose into what is intended for a life-giving medicine.

A beautiful set of portiers gives entrance into the rear of the store and does much to set off the splendid piece of furniture with which it comes in contact.

The old lamps have given place to the brilliant New Light system which at night makes the scene even more attractive than at day.

To describe this elegant establishment as it should be would take far more space than we have to spare. It must be seen to be appreciated, and everybody should make it a point to call and look around.

The store is a credit to Paris and speaks volumes of the push and prosperity that have always characterized H. P. Long. He is one of the safest and most reliable prescription men in Missouri, and merits the splendid business he has always enjoyed. His stock is as up-to-date as the furniture that holds it. If you don’t see what you want, just call for it, and we’ll guarantee you’ll find it if it is kept anywhere. And when Henry Long tells you a thing is good, you can bet your bottom dollar he’s right. His reliability is the secret of his continued success. Drop in and let him show you around.